All You Need to Know About Fishing, Hunting and Ca

All You Need to Know About Fishing, Hunting and Ca
Před 11 dny - Hlavní město Praha - SBAZAR
Prodám knihu All You Need to Know About Fishing, Hunting and Camping - Byron Dalrymple. Osobně je možné jen od 100 korun.... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha

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All You Need to Know About Fishing, Hunting and Camping.
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Prodám knihu All You Need to Know About Fishing, Hunting and Camping - Byron Dalrymple. Osobně je možné jen od 100 korun.... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
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Plzeňský kraj
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Senior Azure Administrator and developer
Před 764 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Budete se starat o to, aby zákaznická a interní řešení Azure fungovala hladce a s co nejmenšími prostoji. Pomůžete navrhovat, vytvářet, vyvíjet a implementovat nová řešení pro zákazníky v Azure a v úzké spolupráci s naším týmem Microsoft a MS365 také pro hybridní řešení. Budete kontaktní osobou pro náš prodejní tým v oblasti technické podpory. Are you experienced in Azure administration and development? Is Azure your world? Would you like to develop your skills within Azure architecture, design and development? Then come to join our team and become our new colleague. Your responsibilities You will make sure that customers' and internal Azure solutions are running smoothly and with as little down time as possible. You will help design, create, develop, and implement new solutions for customers in Azure and in close corporation with our Microsoft and MS365 team also for hybrid solutions. You will be the go-to person for technical support for our sales team. Manage current tenant for Az... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
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Senior SQL DevOps Administrator
Před 764 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Pozice je součástí týmu, který tvoří specializovaní technici zabývající se architekturou, implementací zákaznických projektů, vývojem, správou, automatizací a provozem prostředí našich klientů. How will be your typical day look like? As Microsoft SQL DevOps administrator at IT Relation, you are a part of a growing company. It presents a lot of exciting challenges and the opportunity to make your mark on the company. Our success takes root in skilled, helpful, and actionable employee, developing customized solutions, which support our clients' IT operations. In union with our business-partners we are on top of the newest technology, but we are also aware, that it isn't all it takes. Substantial commitment and intelligent use of the technology given is the key to improve previous imperfections and thereby bettering our performance. That is why we are focused on understanding and accommodating our clients' demands within operation of servers and applications on varying platforms. Exa... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
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Senior Azure Administrator and developer
Před 764 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Budete se starat o to, aby zákaznická a interní řešení Azure fungovala hladce a s co nejmenšími prostoji. Pomůžete navrhovat, vytvářet, vyvíjet a implementovat nová řešení pro zákazníky v Azure a v úzké spolupráci s naším týmem Microsoft a MS365 také pro hybridní řešení. Budete kontaktní osobou pro náš prodejní tým v oblasti technické podpory. Are you experienced in Azure administration and development? Is Azure your world? Would you like to develop your skills within Azure architecture, design and development? Then come to join our team and become our new colleague. Your responsibilities You will make sure that customers' and internal Azure solutions are running smoothly and with as little down time as possible. You will help design, create, develop, and implement new solutions for customers in Azure and in close corporation with our Microsoft and MS365 team also for hybrid solutions. You will be the go-to person for technical support for our sales team. Manage current tenant for Az... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
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Senior SQL DevOps Administrator
Před 764 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Pozice je součástí týmu, který tvoří specializovaní technici zabývající se architekturou, implementací zákaznických projektů, vývojem, správou, automatizací a provozem prostředí našich klientů. How will be your typical day look like? As Microsoft SQL DevOps administrator at IT Relation, you are a part of a growing company. It presents a lot of exciting challenges and the opportunity to make your mark on the company. Our success takes root in skilled, helpful, and actionable employee, developing customized solutions, which support our clients' IT operations. In union with our business-partners we are on top of the newest technology, but we are also aware, that it isn't all it takes. Substantial commitment and intelligent use of the technology given is the key to improve previous imperfections and thereby bettering our performance. That is why we are focused on understanding and accommodating our clients' demands within operation of servers and applications on varying platforms. Exa... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Kniha / Book: Who can you trust? - Rachel Botsman
Kniha / Book: Who can you trust? - Rachel Botsman
Před 356 dny - Hlavní město Praha - SBAZAR
Nečtená, špičkový stav, listy neponičené. V podstatě je nová, nikdy nebyla použitá. Nepatrná šmouha na spodku knihy. / Unread, top condition, pages undamaged. Basically new, never used. Slight smudge on the bottom of the book. O knize / About book: If you can't trust those in charge, who can you trust? From government to business, banks to media, trust in institutions is at an all-time low. But this isn't the age of distrust -- far from it. Pengui... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
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