SMALL BUSINESS (Joseph R. Mancuso)

Před 1 dny - Olomoucký kraj - BAZOS
PRODÁM - V angličtině, 392 strany, Revised edition, New York 1992. How to start, finance, and manage your own.
Olomoucký kraj

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Phillip Hodson - Jak "dokonalý" je váš partner - 2005
Přidáno včera - Olomoucký kraj - BAZOS
Phillip Hodson - Jak "dokonalý" je váš partner ( v orig. How "Perfect" Is Your Partner? ) - vydala Fortuna Print Praha, Praha 2005. Překlad Eva Kalábová. Ilustrace Caroll & Brown Limited, 2004. Vydání první. Více než 50 zajímavých testů a dotazníků, které vám pomohou odhalit kompatibilitu jednotlivých faktorů vašeho vztahu. V publikaci najdete také podrobné rozbory testů i rady, jak překonat případné rozdíly, jak dosáhnout kv... (více v detailu)
Olomoucký kraj
Business Controller
Před 684 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kolaja Marek Ing., e-mail: A Snapshot of Your Day You start your day fully energized to get things done as a member of an international team. For our team, no day is like the other. While sometimes, you are focused on crunching numbers, you will also be communicating with many people, to align, seek support, learn, and provide help. The results of your work are of utmost importance to assess our businesses performance and take adequate business decisions. Therefore, you will feel you are making an impact every single day. Digitalization is key to our joint success - as a curious learner, you ?nd ways of improvement and proactively push theimplementation for the bene?t of our team, our business, and our company. How You'll Make an Impact " Prepare annual budget and monthly forecasts, with presentations to management for review and approval " Manage the ?nancial analysis and reporting, including regular reports outs of the ?nancial performance " Deve... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Business Controller
Před 684 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kolaja Marek Ing., e-mail: A Snapshot of Your Day You start your day fully energized to get things done as a member of an international team. For our team, no day is like the other. While sometimes, you are focused on crunching numbers, you will also be communicating with many people, to align, seek support, learn, and provide help. The results of your work are of utmost importance to assess our businesses performance and take adequate business decisions. Therefore, you will feel you are making an impact every single day. Digitalization is key to our joint success - as a curious learner, you ?nd ways of improvement and proactively push theimplementation for the bene?t of our team, our business, and our company. How You'll Make an Impact " Prepare annual budget and monthly forecasts, with presentations to management for review and approval " Manage the ?nancial analysis and reporting, including regular reports outs of the ?nancial performance " Deve... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
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