The Ascent of Money; Private Empire Exxon Mobil

Přidáno dnes - Hlavní město Praha - BAZOS
Prodam dve nectene knizky v anglictine: a) Ascent of Money od Niall Ferguson b) Private Emp... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha

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The Art of Thinking Clearly - Rolf Dobelli
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Have you ever... Invested time in something that, with hindsight, just wasn't worth it? Overpayed in an Ebay auction? Continued doing something you knew was bad for you? Sold stocks too late, or too early? Taken credit for success, but blamed failure on external circumstances? Backed the wrong horse? These are examples of cognitive biases, simple errors we all make in our day-to-day thinking. But by knowing what they are and how to spot them, we can avoid them and m... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
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Kraj Vysočina
The ABC's of real estate investing, Ken McElroy
Před 461 dny - Olomoucký kraj - SBAZAR
anglicky. + zásilkovna 79 Kč nebo os. vyzvednutí. Want to get rich through real estate? Then you need The ABC's of Real Estate Investing. It's the definitive guide that will teach you how to find property, evaluate its worth, negotiate the deal and make money in the process. There are no 'get rich quick' tricks on these pages, just proven methods that deliver bottom-line profits and increased property values. -Ken McElroy, Real Estate Investor,... (více v detailu)
Olomoucký kraj
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